City Council hears presentation from library board

By Rebecca Sponsler
Advocate News Staff

The Greenville City Council heard two presentations at their Oct. 10 meeting. The first was from Tim O’Donnell of TJO Holdings, and their plans for putting a business in the building where Watson’s Drug Store used to be. The second presentation was from Chance Volken who was representing the library board and the Friends of The Greenville Public Library.

Volken was there to proclaim intent for the library to build a new building and to ask for the city’s support. The presentation is available at under the meetings tab.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, three members of the community spoke to bring to the council’s attention the firing range that the Greenville police utilize for training that is near Sunset Point and West Main. The first person who spoke stated that the noise from the firing range had caused them severe distress and that they were concerned that children in the area would be frightened. The second speaker stated similar concerns about the children in the area. The third speaker gave the suggestion that the range be used at certain times so that people would know what was going on. They stated that they worked as a counselor, and counseled people with PTSD and children, who might be sensitive to noise. Knowing the times that the practice would take place would allow them to inform their patients about what was going on.