Muni Band is a family affair


Director Chris Woods and the 40 or so musicians in the Greenville Municipal Band provide six free outdoor concerts every summer. They’ve been doing so for more than 125 years when Erastus and U. S. DeMoulin played in the first season. In 1897 DeMoulin made official band uniforms for the group.

Nowadays, they wear more comfortable polo shirts.

Last week’s concert at the Bond County Historical Society museum featured a collection of popular songs and marches. One highlight was a medley of tunes from “The Wizard of Oz.” The high school performed this musical earlier this year, and several band members had also played in the orchestra for that. It was nice to see Dorothy, Glinda, the Cowardly Lion, actors from the play join the band too. For more information see the June 27, 2023 edition of The Greenville Advocate.